
2008年1月29日 星期二

Dusty Baker on Reds!

John Fay 一月二十五日專訪Baker稿

John Fay上週一篇Dusty Baker專訪,有一丁點內容,貼出來分享一下,摘錄一些比較有意義的問題,並且節譯

Q: Does adding Jeremy Affeldt solidify the rotation?
譯: Jeremy Affeldt的加入是否強化了先發陣容

A: I don't know if it solidifies it. You're always looking for an upgrade of the rotation. We have a mixture of youth and some veterans and some unknowns. We're hoping Jeremy can adjust to starting. I talked to him. He's trying to add a third pitch, a changeup, which is going to be a bit of an experiment.
譯: 我不知道這是否強化了陣容,球隊必須始終持續的增強先發陣容,隊上目前陣容是一些年輕,資深以及一些不熟悉的投手群組合.我們希望Jermery可以調整至先發的位置.我已經跟他談過,他正在嘗試加強第三種球路,變速球,正在實驗中(聽起來有種不好的感覺).

If it doesn't work - I told him I'd give him every opportunity (in spring training) - you know he's qualified as a reliever. Everybody needs that. But everybody's looking for a left-handed starter. We're going to train him and prepare him as a starter. If it doesn't work, he can always relieve. But it's harder to prepare him as a reliever in spring training and move him into starting.

Q: How do you feel about the depth of the pitching staff?

A: We're improving. That's one of the things Bob Castellini told me when I signed on: We're going to make this team better. We're going to try to add to the depth of it. You're still at the mercy of what's out there. Everybody's looking for the same thing. Everybody's looking for pitching. Hopefully, we have enough. If we don't, we'll go back to the drawing board. Bob Castellini said get whatever is necessary. You don't want to be stupid or crazy. That's the worst thing you can do is make bad decisions for the short run. We're looking at the long haul.

Q: Todd Coffey lost 25, 30 pounds. How encouraged are you by the effort he put in?
譯: Todd Coffey減肥了25-30磅.你對他付出的辛苦有何看法.

A: He told me he was going to do that. He kept his word. I haven't talked to him (lately). Over the holidays is the time to leave them alone. Now is the time to say: "Have you really been training? Have you really been getting your act together?" We've got some serious competition. You need to try to have the best year you can for us because the rewards are a lot higher. ... The thing I hate about spring training is making cuts. I got cut. I'll never forget it. Just because you get cut doesn't mean you're not in our plans.
譯: 他告訴我他要作,他也保持著他的承諾.同樣是一堆廢話.不想翻了.(簡單說,Todd Coffey若是像去年一樣維持著死胖子並且軟弱的表現,他會被踢出球隊)

Q: How do you see center field?

A: You're asking questions that I'll have to see when I get there. I've never seen Norris Hopper play. I've seen Ryan Freel play. There could be some other guys in the mix. That's a very, very, very important position on our ballclub. Right now, it's Freel and Hopper and we'll see if the other guys are ready. We may get a surprise guy to open some eyes.

Q: How do you see Jay Bruce?
A: I'm going to let the young man be himself. Let him play. Don't put any pressure on him. He's had headlines already. I hear the reports on him are very, very good. I've never seen him play. I'm excited and anxious to see him play.


最近有點想做個Cincinnati Reds論壇的念頭,但是不知道實不實際.


Reds update, 01/28/08

上一篇的主角Josh Hamilton都已經被交易掉了.

1. 將Josh Hamilton跟Rangers換Edinson Volquez and Danny Ray Jerrera.
評論可參考 Shinyo的Reds Notebook. 我本人有點掙扎,但是基本上還是認為需要作這筆交易的.
2. 跟Jeremy Affeldt簽下一年三百萬的約.
Shioyo兄的 Reds Notebook也有提及.不錯的簽約,若是最後先發無法勝任,是個很好的牛棚投手.


3. Shinyo兄漏了一個對球隊影響重大的簽約,就是Reds簽下Walt Jocketty作為Reds CEO Bob Castellini的特別顧問(special advisor),John Fay的報導. 說是跟GM Wayne Krivsky平起平坐的職位.但是熟知棒球界的人皆知,以 Jocketty的資歷,當然 Castellini會聽 Jocketty的意見超過Krivsky的意見. 所有的棒球決策,我想Jocketty是會主導運作的.

想想 Jocketty在Cardinals當GM的過去11年,球隊六度拿下國聯中區title,兩次國聯冠軍,以及一次世界大賽冠軍.非常耀眼的GM履歷.不過被人批評的部分則是似乎農場除了 Albert Pujols外,沒有培養出特別的主戰球員(我手中沒有數據,是之前聽廣播獲得的資訊,有錯請更正).

不過Reds找來一個很不錯的GM人才. Krivsky今年是合約的最後一年,他最好期待Reds有超凡的表現,不然Job可能要不保了. Solid moved by Reds. 對球隊長期有正面的影響.
