
2007年8月22日 星期三

Some comments on pitchers

Phil Dumatrait 在週一又只投兩局失八分後,總共在被叫上大聯盟後,四場有三場burned the bullpen. 四場僅投13.1局,防禦率14.18.週二被送回class AAA. 結果Reds叫誰上來 "Kirk Sarrloos, Geez!!!!! 我跟其他所有人都快被嚇死了.難道農場真的沒有人了嗎?Saarloos上次上來被送回去前面對的十個打者,"""全部踏上壘包""".

Quotes of the Day, 摘自Dayton Daily News (Dayton是Cincinnati的衛星城市)
A National League scout, dumbfounded to hear that the Reds recalled Kirk Saarloos, who in his last stay with the Reds put all 10 runners he faced on base in his last three appearances: "And they brought him back? Man, this game has changed."

昨天8-7勝Braves, 另外一個Rookie也讓我失望了,Bobby Livingston. 投4.2局,失7分.現在Reds僅剩下Harang and Arryo這兩位第一跟第三輪值先發(Arroyo在我目前心目中還排不上第二),還有一小聯盟選手等著測試. 明天今輪到Ez Ramiez. Johnny Cueto, Reds農場第二號先發, 目前被評估今年應該不會被叫上來了,以免clock 被啟動. 而 Homer Bailey則趕快把傷養好,在AAA調整好吧(他今年還有一個很扯的傷,講來很好笑,曬太陽睡著,而且沒有圖防曬油,嚴重曬傷,Geez,看到未來王牌這麼搞,不禁搖頭).

Jared Burton and Bill Bray, 這對Duo在昨天在度證明自己,可以撐起7-8局setup men的角色.他們倆守住了三局,一安打,無失分. 這對年輕牛棚讓人看到了希望. Bill Bray也讓Reds球迷漸漸對去年那筆交易感覺舒服了一些.

若要對去年那筆交易更舒服一些.需要 Magic Man Majewski好的表現,昨天登場1/3局.滾地出局,成功達成任務.最近他雖然還未完全穩定,不過也比上一次被called up時表現的好多了.希望隨著比賽的增多,逐漸調整回前年的狀況.

關於守護神, Stormy Weathers. 昨晚還是老樣子,雖然成功解決前兩位打者,一三振,一滾地.但是又搞成1,2壘有人的局面,然後滾地球順利解決,拿下第26個救援.
Quotes from skipper ""Weathers did what he always does — made it interesting, but he nearly always gets out of it". 深感贊同.雖說他很少完美救援.但是他絕大部分時間總可以拿下救援.

至於牛棚另外的兩位, Mike Stanton and Eddie Guardado. 我看目前僅是在大幅落後才會放上來吧!

2 則留言:

  1. DFA Mike Stanton!!! He is useless.
    Trade Weathers!!He is more valuable than Jeff Conine and would get some decent return.
    Don't pick up Guadardo's option!!! Invite him to spring trainning is acceptable.
    I like Ez Ramirez. Althogh he is a little too hittable, he shows some upside when he learned to pitch changeups.

  2. 曬傷...真夠好笑了。
    做個筆記記下來,改天整理成一篇,一定很有看頭 :-)
