
2010年5月13日 星期四

Have you jump on the bandwagon? I haven't.

在Arroyo-Cueto-Bailey三人橫掃Pirates,特別是後面的兩個今年表現很不穩的veteran young pitchers。連兩場投出個人完封,complete-game shutout的表現。大家都很興奮,Lance昨天在廣播中興奮的說bandwagon 將要啟動,還沒上車的人趕快上車。

很不幸的,經歷這麼多年的follow Reds,我學到一些教訓,我還沒有跳上那個即將啟程的列車,因為那輛車已經在之前拋錨太多次了。我知道今年的球隊很可能會不一樣,但是還是別把希望押下。抱持謹慎樂觀的態度比較好,不過因為最近的好表現,明天將會去球場加油助陣就是了。


首先是Redleg Nation Chad Dotson的 "The Reds Stinks"的文章
The Reds stink. They’re just awful. They can’t hit, they can’t pitch, they can’t field, and they make more mental errors than a graduate of Virginia Polytechnic Institute.

The recent win streak is a fluke and I can’t stand to be a fan of this team anymore. The Reds make me sick to my stomach.

*Yes, this is a blatant attempt to create a reverse jinx. The last time I got excited about this team, they promptly went on a losing skid.



Feeling good about your ballclub after it beats Pittsburgh is like feeling good about your army after it beats Switzerland.
You say: The starting pitching is really coming together.

I say: The 2010 Pirates are one of the worst teams of the last 30 years, not including expansion clubs. OK, including expansion clubs. If Pittsburgh doesn’t go about 57-105, it’s because they get to play the Astros 15 times. And yes, I know the Astros whipped the Cardinals the last two nights.

You say: Bailey and Cueto threw strikes, worked efficiently, looked like mature, big-time starters.

I say: See above.

You say: The hitters are good enough, often enough with RISP, the pitching will continue to carry them.

I say: See above.

而這個Civil Right Weekend Series 對上Cardinals將會是能否向我們這些還在Bandwagon旁等待的球迷展現的機會,若是Reds能拿下兩勝(fingers crossed),這周結束時,將會至少並列分區第一的位置。Reds,請向我們證明this is the year.

