
2007年2月27日 星期二


Post 的 Loonie Whleeler's 的 comments on fifth starter. 寫的不錯 (有點像廢話,他是靠這個吃飯的).

不過講真的,現在真的還早,連春訓都還沒有展開呢 (不過被排在4,5,6,7的講實在,機會小很多)

週三: Reds分組對抗的兩位先發尚未決定
週四: Milton against Pirates
週五: Lohse against 老東家 Twins
週六: Harang against Twins
週日: Arroyo against Phllies
週一: 尚未排定.

這組名單只有暗示著目前開幕戰隊小熊的先發投手Narron偏好是Harang.因為Harang排在Arroyo前面.Otherwise, not much, 第五先發還未排入輪值表.
(同時讓我聯想到台灣媒體大幅報導, Wang被排在"""春訓"""開幕戰先發,Again, 春訓means a litte, same as 春訓開幕戰,不然現在Uncle Milty要爽翻了!)

2007年2月26日 星期一

Reds Insider - 02/25/07

Paul Wilson update

Wilson's arm is alive and well after nearly two years of constant rehab from shoulder surgery.
"I've been pleasantly surprised so far," Pole said.

Paul Wilson在一次被搬出來報導,Paul Wilson幾乎是天天被Enquire拿出來報導,看樣子他似乎已經復健的差不多了.現在看看這位前Mets的first round draft,能不能重生,搶下第五先發.(我個人是希望Saarloos make the fifth starter,因為他是滾地球型投手,Wilson不是,GABP需要滾地球型投手)


But there probably will be some tough calls at the end of March. Consider: Aaron Harang, Bronson Arroyo, Milton, Kyle Lohse, Mike Stanton, David Weathers, Todd Coffey, Rheal Cormier, Bill Bray and Saarloos probably have the team made. That's 10 spots.

If Saarloos takes the fifth spot, Belisle, Wilson, Ramirez, Santos, Brian Shackelford and Gary Majewski would be among the others battling for the 11th and/or 12th spots.

When camp started, Majewski would have been considered a lock. But he's more than a week behind because of his sore shoulder. He does have options, so he could start the year at Triple-A.


關於Josh Hamilton

Hamilton's upside is such that the Reds probably will be willing to carry him in the 25th spot on the roster rather than lose him. If the Reds don't keep him, they have to offer him back to Tampa Bay as part of the Rule 5 process.

Because Hamilton is so athletic and his arm is so strong, having him on the roster is not going to hamstring Narron too greatly.

The problem is he wouldn't get enough at-bats to continue his development. The Reds saw that with Wily Mo Peña.

The other possibility is the Reds could work out a trade with the Devil Rays, which would allow the Reds to keep Hamilton - and send him to Double-A or Triple-A to get at-bats.

很好的關於Josh Hamilton的動向討論,基本上我希望是最後一個選項,我認為他是具有天份的選手(Tampa drafted他時,他可以投出96-97英哩的球速,Tampa叫他去練外野手,由此可見他的天賦).但是我不認為天賦可以彌補這幾年的空白,這是MLB.不是CPBL.他應該去農場磨練在進入大聯盟,不然可能真的就會變成下一個Wily Mo.

2007年2月23日 星期五

Paul Wilson and Griffey update!

Reds Notebook.

Paul Wilson

One of the key things is Wilson's velocity is up and he's been able to maintain it.
"Today was my third time throwing off the mound, and I'm still strong," Wilson said.
Last year, Wilson couldn't maintain velocity from outing to outing.

聽起來是個好消息,但是以Reds投手塞爆的狀況, he better has a great spring training to make a shot.


Ken Griffey Jr. still isn't hitting, because his left hand - broken in the offseason - is coming around.
"I'm stretching the tendons," he said. "I don't want to pop a tendon."

這幾天他也做了好些外野長傳,沒有問題.所以手的部分就是等他feel comfortable, then rock and roll.


Anderson Machado

Shortstop Anderson Machado was the only one of the 28 position players not to report.
Machado is a non-roster invitee.
"I don't know if it's visa problems or what," Narron said.
Machado isn't expected until today at the earliest, and it could be next week.

Machado,不知道球迷們還記不記得他,基本上,他應該是沒希望吧,不過我記憶中他去年也碰上一樣的VISA delay的問題,沒想到今年又來一次了, but he doesn't have chance to make the 25 men roster at all, therefore. who cares.

The full squard pratice starts from now.

12:30 pm, 2/22/2007.
The Reds' first full squard practice of spring training starts.
Welcome to the 2007 baseball season.

2007年2月22日 星期四


正在收聽 Cincinnati Fleet Station 700WLW

Marty Brennaman LIVE from Spring Training in Sarasota

Insider of Reds Spring Camp,

According to Marty,

Adam Dunn is in a great shape, it is great news. He also mentioned Dunn had worked out during the winter time. It sounds like the things he said in interview is true.

Griffey is still in the same shape, nothing changes. Still looks liks 20 lbs over-weight. Damn it.

Paul Wilson will be given multiple chances as a starter in spring training. But Narron thinks it is a long-shot to come back for Paul Wilson.

This interview broke my heart!
(The invterview with Griffey from Seattle Post Intelligencer)

"My home's in Florida. I work in Cincinnati," Griffey said.
"But you grew up there," I said. "Cincinnati's your hometown."
"My home's in Florida. I work in Cincinnati," Griffey repeated.

今年球季6月22日,Reds將要到Seatle與Mariners進行三連戰,20年的那個時候,Mariners 以 first run draft選走了Griffey. 而整個90年代Griffey在Mariners的地位也不用我多說了.這也是會有這篇interview的緣故.西雅圖local的媒體想要為Griffey重返西雅圖做個暖身.

但是這篇interview broke my heart and a lot of local fans' heart.

What did he mean that Cincinnati is just a place he works?

I know the people here see him as one of us. He grew up in Cincinnati, he went to Moeller High School. His dad was one of Big Red Machine and is still working for Reds as a Special Consultant to the General Manager. He came back and has played for Reds for seven years. I know his family live in Florida, but come on, we love him not because he had his 500th homerun here. The most of honor belongs to the Griffey as Mariners. We love him not because he is one of the grestest players in 90s. We love him because he is a Cincinnatian. We love him because he is the son of Griffey senior. I don't even think he must be a great player to gain the fans' love here. Look at Pete Rose,Jr. He doesn't have his father's talent. We still love him. Our local media still have Pete Junior's coverage. Because they are the kids from Cincinnati, the kids have a fathers who were a part of greatest histories in sports. Cincinnati doesn't like those monster cities. The fans in those cities doesn't have that kind of love.
Cincinnati just likes those small towns in America. Have those small towns' love.
We love our hometown boys, and Griffey is one of those hometown boys.

But, this interview broke the Cincinnatians' hearts!

2007年2月21日 星期三

The player with story - Josh Hamilton

“"There were many times I thought I'd never play again, just because of the lifestyle I had been living," Hamilton said. "Nobody can do anything productive out of what I was doing. There were definitely times I felt down and like I'd never get back to doing the thing I loved. God's grace got me here today."

Josh Hamilton, 這位1999年被 Tampa Bay 以 the first overall pick選走的具有天賦的棒球少年,在這段期間,不但因傷困擾,更陷入毒品的泥诏.在去年冬天被Reds以Rule 5 draft pick選來以前,四個球季僅在小聯盟出賽18場球賽.講實在,Reds選他來只是做個五萬五千美金的小賭博(我記憶中抽出這個數字,不確定是不是正確).五萬五隊一個大聯盟球團僅是九牛一毛.但對Josh Hamilton來說確是一個機會.若是在春訓表現好的話,將有一線生機被留在Reds25人名單之中,不然就會被送回Tampa Bay.

他當然有這個天賦(first overall draft),但是多年的受傷,毒品,以及幾乎沒有打球,會不會讓他的左手生鏽到無法調整到大聯盟的階層,這是可以預見的.畢竟,大聯盟25人名單不是那種伴家家酒似的競賽.不過, Reds 最少提供他一個機會.

這種逆境重生的故事若能成功,當然是那種那種灑狗血式的賺人熱淚好戲.這也是他的故事這一週以來一直出現在報紙及網頁上,最新的是今早的USAToday (全國性報紙),上星期還有華盛頓郵報(link:, local 的報紙跟電視台就更不用說了.

The spring training just starts this week, let’s wait and see.

2007年2月20日 星期二

Adam Dunn 立志要作改善

Adam Dunn也提早到春訓場地Sarasota, FL 報導



這不太像我所熟悉的Adam Dunn.

對許多人來說,Adam Dunn是個Great Player,能打全壘打,而且能打那種直飛球場外的巨型全壘打.保送多,可以有100個打點的Slugger型選手.

但是在Cincinnati球迷眼中,Adam Dunn是個企圖心不夠的選手.老實說,我上星期收聽的sports show.有兩個節目各花3小時左右bash Adam Dunn他的attitude on improving himself. 他去年春訓報到時身材走樣,打球時態度不積極,守備更是糟糕,攻守交換時是漫步的走上球場,講老實話,他去年打點也沒達到大家心目中所期待至少100打點.對記者採訪是要理不理.

若是他去年八九月時能夠稍微好一些些,以去年Reds 追逐季後賽的狀況,也許就進季後賽了.

今天聽到這個採訪,令人意外,不過沒有寫出他現在的體重,很好奇,希望他能保持good shape,若是比去年瘦個30-40,一定對守備跟跑壘有很大的幫助!

希望下個好消息就是Junior 答應去守右外野了

2007年2月19日 星期一

Gary Majewski 手仍有問題

Damn, 今天消息指出Gary Majewski 的手仍有傷在身(其實前兩天,John Fay在blog就有指出).
幹,看來 Bowden screwed reds up a bit time. 透過交易取的Kearns and Lopez. 送來一個手臂有傷的投手.本已為去年過去就算了.但還是影響到今年了.
Wayne請趕快準備好文件,向聯盟file grievance 向Leather pants (Bowden)討個公道吧!



Junior表示他已經ready for spring training.

關於Eric Milton

今天Enquire關於Milton的報導,說Reds的希望將放在Milton身上,我同意這點,基本上top 2 of rotations, Harang and Arroyo是沒有問題的,30勝可以直接放進口袋,所以責任就放在No. 3. Wayne認為是Kyle Loshe, 我認為是Eric Milton,並不是因為那900萬的年薪,而是因為他的 Career的紀錄比Loshe好多了.而且去年在舊傷復發(手跟膝蓋)困擾他的投球之前,他有幾場不錯的比賽,顯示他的Stuff還在那,而且去年也結束在8勝8敗的成績,還算可以(當然8勝8敗 for a no. 5 is good, no. 3 means your team has problem).不過ERA還是在5.56,偏高,不過這是在有傷的影響上.


The home of Taiwanese Redlegs!

這個部落格是整理一些有關Cincinnati Reds相關報導的地方.任何有關Cincinnati Reds的故事,將會被我放在這個部落格上,並加上一些自己的見解.


自2003年秋季開始,本人因為求學的緣故,落腳在這個Home of the first professinal baseball team, City of Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.A.. 自此開始, Cincinnati Reds變成了我的生活的一部分.也身兼 PTT Reds板的板主,不過因為telnet的限制,加上本人的懶惰,所以沒有照顧很好,決定用另開一個部落格整理有關Reds的新聞.希望能夠勤快些,提供台灣Reds球迷交流的園地.
