
2007年2月22日 星期四

This interview broke my heart!
(The invterview with Griffey from Seattle Post Intelligencer)

"My home's in Florida. I work in Cincinnati," Griffey said.
"But you grew up there," I said. "Cincinnati's your hometown."
"My home's in Florida. I work in Cincinnati," Griffey repeated.

今年球季6月22日,Reds將要到Seatle與Mariners進行三連戰,20年的那個時候,Mariners 以 first run draft選走了Griffey. 而整個90年代Griffey在Mariners的地位也不用我多說了.這也是會有這篇interview的緣故.西雅圖local的媒體想要為Griffey重返西雅圖做個暖身.

但是這篇interview broke my heart and a lot of local fans' heart.

What did he mean that Cincinnati is just a place he works?

I know the people here see him as one of us. He grew up in Cincinnati, he went to Moeller High School. His dad was one of Big Red Machine and is still working for Reds as a Special Consultant to the General Manager. He came back and has played for Reds for seven years. I know his family live in Florida, but come on, we love him not because he had his 500th homerun here. The most of honor belongs to the Griffey as Mariners. We love him not because he is one of the grestest players in 90s. We love him because he is a Cincinnatian. We love him because he is the son of Griffey senior. I don't even think he must be a great player to gain the fans' love here. Look at Pete Rose,Jr. He doesn't have his father's talent. We still love him. Our local media still have Pete Junior's coverage. Because they are the kids from Cincinnati, the kids have a fathers who were a part of greatest histories in sports. Cincinnati doesn't like those monster cities. The fans in those cities doesn't have that kind of love.
Cincinnati just likes those small towns in America. Have those small towns' love.
We love our hometown boys, and Griffey is one of those hometown boys.

But, this interview broke the Cincinnatians' hearts!

1 則留言:

  1. Hi, this is uforock from ptt, 看到這篇報導也蠻訝異且難過的, 不過我是告訴自己, 應該是西雅圖記者擷取小葛的話來做文章, 不管怎樣, 我覺得他是愛Cincy多於Seattle的.
