
2007年3月30日 星期五

Breaking News
以下轉貼自John Fay(Cincinnati Enquire的Reds Beatwriter)的blog,原文可以用上面那個連結

Lots of it. Jery Narron and Wayne Krivsky just announced the following:
--Chris Denorfia needs "Tommy John" surgery.
--Bobby Livingston and and Gary Majewski were optioned to Louisville.
--Jeff Keppinger, Bill Bray and Elizardo Ramirez go on the DL and will rehab in the Floirda.
--Jerry Gil, Denorfia and Eddie Guardado go on the DL and come north with the team.
--Either Matt Belisle or Kirk Saarloos will be the fifth starter.
--The last position player will be Norris Hopper or Chad Moeller.
--The final bullpen spot will go to one of these three: Right-handers Victor Santos and Jared Burton and left-hander Jon Coutlangus.

WTF, What's wrong with Denorfia.
Bobby Livingston的調動不意外,而Gary Majewski稍早已經公佈.
Reds carry three cathers的是竟又列為可能,看來Javier被視為代打(左右開攻)跟替補一壘手角色比身為第二捕手重要.
Final bullpen則真的是個謎

Gary Majewski optioned!

也開始了春訓結束前(英文原文叫做break camp,這個詞鏗鏘有力,我想不出傳神的翻譯,因為翻作春訓結束也不太對,因為還有一場對Marlins的比賽在Dayton打,回饋Dayton熱情的球迷)最後的修正roster,今天Reds作出了第一個move.

Reds今天把Gary Majewski option. 他將不會在DL名單中開季,他受傷好一陣子了,把他送到農場去磨磨也好.

Bill Bray: 應該是在DL.
Bobby Livingston: 應該會被Option
Jon Coutlangus: Option
Jared Burton: rule 5 draft, 感覺上他會被留在roster.
Victor Santos: 春訓防禦率0.00. 但基於現實面考量,rule 5 的Jared Burton卡住,他雖說有option,但是veteran資格又綁住,雖說他之前有提過他願意到小聯盟,但是現在他已經有籌碼了,我想Wayne最好work something out. Maybe you would see a trade.

Break camp potential roster

Aaron Harang, Bronson Arroyo, Kyle Lohse, Matt Belisle, and Eric Milton

LHP: Rheal Cormier, Mike Stanton.
RHP: Jared Burton, Kirk Saarloos, David Weather, Todd Coffey.
Closer: Dustin Hermanson.

DL: Bill Bray


2007年3月29日 星期四


我之前的post的犯了個錯誤(感謝Morikaswa的指證),其實關於Milton的option事在Cincy被討論了好一陣子,John Fay今天特別在他的部落格做個整理,也釐清了這個錯誤



Players in camp on the 40-man roster with minor league options remaining include pitchers Matt Belisle, Bill Bray, Jared Burton, Todd Coffey, Rheal Cormier, Jon Coutlangus, Aaron Harang, Bobby Livingston, Kyle Lohse, Gary Majewski, Eric Milton, Elizardo Ramirez, Kirk Saarloos and Mike Stanton; infielders Edwin Encarnacion, Jerry Gil, Alex Gonzalez and Jeff Keppinger; and outfielders Jeff Conine, Chris Denorfia, Adam Dunn, Ken Griffey Jr., Josh Hamilton and Norris Hopper.

Any player with more than 5 years of Major League service must accept an option (Cormier, Lohse, Milton, Stanton, Conine, Dunn, Griffey).

As Rule 5 draftees, Hamilton and Burton can't be optioned until they first clear outright waivers, then they must be offered back to their original teams (Devil Rays and Athletics, respectively). Only if their original teams refuse to take them back can the Reds option or outright them.

2007年3月28日 星期三

About rotation!

Harang開幕戰先發,Harang將連兩年是Reds開幕戰投手,也是連兩年跟Carlos Zambrano對決(I hate opening day with fxCking Cubs).

至於其他,他並沒有特別指出.It is a great news. Right now, Uncle Milton is not No. 3 or No. 4. 或許有機會把Milton送到五號先發去!

2007年3月27日 星期二

Josh Hamilton's spectacular throw yesterday

在youtube找到我昨天提的Josh Hamilton精采的傳球,雖說有點不清楚.但是還是可以看到他的power and accuracy!

Reds 對上松板大輔

今天下午Reds對上松板大輔(Dice-K),Reds今天發出200張採訪證!松板炫風掃到Reds春訓的 Ed Smith Stadium!

Reds排出A-team,八位野手應該就是開幕戰陣容,打序雖說還在調整,不過應該也八九不離十,(可憐小葛,被拉去右外野,現在連第三棒都被讓出來,Narron決定排L-R-L,所以Brandon Phillips被夾在Dunn跟Junior中間)!

松板 is the man! 雖說控球有點不穩, 5個保送;但沒讓Reds打出安打,投出6個三振,零失分!

對Reds好消息是, Livingston表現不錯,投5局,零失分,1安打,1保送,4三振.為他自己爭取進入25人名單繳出好成績單!



最後是聽廣播講的,Josh Hamilton在九局有一個超級精采的傳球,我在等晚上新聞會不會replay這球!或是有沒有網友在有看到這個傳球的說來聽聽吧!

Milton, should he be optioned to 3A?

Uncle Milton 今天下午在對Pirates Single A team 投六局,被打11支安打包括5支全壘打,雖說風強勁的吹出外野(17 miles blow out)! 但是那是個single A team耶!


特別是春訓 Matt Belisle表現不錯,今天 Bobby Livingston對上紅襪也投五局零失分(雖是Red Sox road team roster,但是還是個大聯盟春訓隊伍,Milton是小聯盟春訓隊伍).

Kyle Lohse,還是老樣子,一場好,一場壞,但再壞也不會比Milton差.

Milton前兩年成績是,16勝23敗ERA 5.89,更是被打全壘打之王.拿甚麼讓人信賴他開季可以有不同的成績,唯一的底是今年是他contract due的year,有很多選手在這種contract year為了未來的合約會有驚人的成績(LaRue就是一個例子,然後拿到好合約後就又爛掉了,不過他的守備比Ross好是該提一下的),但是現在春訓投成這樣,我不相信他突然會有突破年,不過以防萬一,送到3A去看看吧!

至於rotation,我心目中的是, Harang, Arroyo, Lohse, Belise, and Livingston!

2007年3月26日 星期一

Griffey played his first sprining training game; and he played the right field.


4打席,2安打, 1支1壘打,1支2壘打,兩支都是強勁的滾地球出去.
處理了兩個飛向他的easy flyballs,


今天對Blue Jays的比賽,road game,他沒有隨隊旅行.

2007年3月22日 星期四

11 dyas to opening day; 11 things to watch!
還有11天就要球季就要開打了,Enquire John Fay 列了11項值得觀察的事,我喜歡這一篇,有空的話可以去看一下!

6 Eric Milton: He has looked very hittable at times this spring (6.23 ERA, 15 hits in 82/3 innings). He's coming off an elbow injury, so the Reds probably would like to see some good outings down the stretch, starting today when he faces the Twins.

Milton was really stink today. I alreday mentioned it earlier.

留言回覆, about Arroyo

EN said...

Peter King 在運動畫刊這篇報導對Arroyo有許多著墨,有空的話讀讀吧.至於我對SI的排名預測分區最後,全聯盟第27,則不置可否! I think it is full of crap!



至於會唱歌的事, With all due respect. I don't give a dem if he can sing or not. Even if he is an American idol, I still don't care. 我覺得身為球員的天職就是打好球,帶給球隊勝利,至於其他才藝,對我而言不重要. nothing related to Arroyo, 除了打好球以外,能夠作為社會的榜樣對我而言也是很重要,球員本身不犯罪,不酒後駕車,就是一項加分(Freel就是壞榜樣,兩度酒後駕車),若是能夠參與社會公益,那就更好了(肺腑之言,若是對Cincy的運動了解的人,就知道我在講甚麼),唱不唱歌,對我而言可能不是那麼重要.

Paul Wilson 被 Reds 釋出

1994年選秀狀元, Paul Wilson今天被Reds正式釋出,
Wilson 的棒球生涯很可能就此告一個段落,

"I'm not sure what I'm going to do," Wilson said. "I don't know."

具Marty指出,他沒有看過這麼苦力在做復健,嘗試再度復出的球員,他由衷希望Paul Wilson能夠從新出發,若是那樣,這將會是繼Josh Hamilton之外的另一個令人傳為佳話的故事.
但是在春訓的幾次先發跟中繼後,今天Reds做了正式決定,Wilson is not good enough to make a team. Wilson其實在Reds還有Option,其實還有放在小聯盟的選擇.但是Reds選擇了釋出,結束了他跟Reds四年的關係.


而John Fay則有以下的評論
It's truly a sad day in the clubhouse when a guy as classy as Wilson gets released. He was great with the media -- win or lose -- a great teammate and a favorite of the clubhouse people and the training staff.

Enough is enough - Uncle Milton

Damn, he is getting beaten again this afternoon.
Enough is enough. How many chances does Reds need to give him?
He is still on the mound, 4 innings, 7 hits (1 double, 1 truple, 1 HR), 5 runs, 4 earned runs, 1 BB, 2 SO. 春訓到目前為止ERA is fucking 7.11.

已經看不下去了,他是目前先發五人中最爛的一位(薪水確是最高的).若是最佳五人進入opening day rotation.他應該是不能進去的.只因為900萬美金的薪水高懸那邊.現在很難搞.但有那麼難嗎?該是認賠殺出的時候了.

John Fay的統計:Milton given up 22 hits and three home runs in 11 2/3 innings this spring.

I'm worn out by Eric MiltonBeaten and battered again today. He is what he is....horrible.Why would you continue to pay a guy to be horrible?

If the Reds are truely going to keep the best 12 pitchers, then he is not on this team.

Based on what he is making, I think he's the worst pitcher in franchise history.

I would call every team in MLB and start with offering to pay half his salary.....and if needed....I'd start lowering my demands. If I could get a lottery scratch off card, a fungo bat and a pack of Big League Chew, I would drive Milton in my Touareg to whoever wants him.

2007年3月21日 星期三

Griffey to right field!!






2007年3月15日 星期四




我覺得洋基一點都沒有錯,come on,制度就是這樣,所有菜鳥都要經過一樣的歷程,更何況王又不是連續三年都是這樣耀眼,一年成績好並不能爭取到多大的談價籌碼!


台灣記者,作一點深入的研究吧,部分jump on MLB Bandwagen 的球迷,也長大一些吧.


"Pete: The Exhibit" Hit King - Pete Rose Exhibition!

Pete Rose, "Charlie Hustle"; The Hit King;
在Cincy出生,在Cincy長大,在Cincinnati Reds打球, 棒球生涯的黃金年代,63-78,在Reds度過, A member of the greatest baseball team, Big Red Machine, in baseball history. 手上有兩枚World Series Champsionship Rings.84年重返Reds球員兼總教練,85年9月11日,Pete打出4192支安打成為MLB all time hit king.


all time MLB records:
most hits: 4,256.
most game played: 3,562.
most 200-plus hit seasons: 10.
most singles: 3,215.
most winning games played: 1,972.

並擁有國聯現代棒球(post 1900)連續安打場次紀錄: 44(1978).


去年MLB票選Hometwon hero時, 這位 Cincy Boy 當然是被票選為Reds的hometown hero.



在類固醇打造的棒球超人紀錄一一被質疑時,Pete Rose身為球員時的偉大紀錄,此時顯的更加珍貴,他的球員紀錄被放逐在名人堂之外顯的更加的不合理.也因此,MLB對Pete也有逐漸鬆綁的跡象,去年首度local一慈善團體發行Pete的搖頭公仔作慈善募款(我也第一次認知道這項放逐令有多嚴,連Pete的棒球肖像權都被冷凍),今年並同意Reds名人堂作出Pete的特別展示,聽說參展品極為齊全,許多重要的Pete身為球員時期里程碑將首度公開.球團並表示今年Pete Rose將要蒞臨今年的Reds開幕戰,這也是Pete將自03年GABP落成以來Charlie Hustle首度現場觀賞Reds球賽(之前曾到場一次,不過因雨延賽,所以並沒有觀賞到比賽),當然,MLB的禁令仍深深的綁住他,他不能在球場有公開的歡迎儀式.不過可以預見的是,當球場攝影機照到他投放到大螢幕時,他將會受到全場以最熱情的standing ovation歡迎.

"Pete: The Exhibit" 在Reds GABP球場旁的Reds Hall of Fame將要在星期六正式展出,為期11個月.歡迎棒球迷拜訪Reds HOF去拜訪這項展覽.若跟我事前聯絡,或許我可以帶各位拜訪,我有一些免費票可以帶朋友進去.


Griffey update - he could miss the opening day

It's daja vu all over again.

然後變成day to day. 然後是Griffey's call,他決定甚麼時候可以上場,
今年Jerry Narron首度鬆口,以現在狀況而言,若是開幕戰Griffey不能上場,也不要太意外.

專家說Griffy的手傷無法以現代儀器診斷,X-Ray and MRI 無法作診斷出細微的傷,也無法得知是否完全痊癒.真的是Griffey的call.


而我覺得,似乎Griffey就是這樣,01年以來,同樣的戲碼一在上演.Enough is enough, 已經習慣了,就這樣吧,若是今年Griffey能先發100場,就算賺到了,有沒有在開幕戰先發,我覺得還好,四月天氣冷,或許在休息區休息,等天氣好在出來,也無妨.

2007年3月11日 星期日



本人身在Home of Cincinnati Reds. 當然也要有一個個人化車牌來向往來的車輛說我是個Big Reds Fan.

在上面那張照片就是我的喜美的車牌, TW1FAN. 台灣第一號Reds Fan.
雖說TW是台灣網域的縮寫,不過在美國TW 在大部分時間是Time Warner的縮寫!所以可惜了,或許等我老了回台灣開Sports Bar! 可以掛再牆上紀念我在Cincinnati的這段時間!

另外那個紅色的小貼紙"31"則是代表 Hamilton County (漢彌爾頓縣). 也是City of Cincinnati的核心地帶跟GABP的所在地.

2007年3月9日 星期五

Finally, Reds開始注意亞洲球員了!



我去年年底就曾對Lance McAlister提出這個對於亞洲市場的問題,
"they have beefed up international scouting.Dan O'Brien told me last year that they basically had to start from scratch when he got there."

而比較具體的報導則是昨天 Post 上的這一篇報導


The Reds don't have any Asian players on their team or even in their system.

That could be changing in the future.

"We're going to try to make a dent in it and get established so we can be more competitive over there than we have been," Reds general manager Wayne Krivsky said.

This off-season, the Reds hired former Dodgers scout Jim Stoeckel as their director of international operations, scouting Asia, Australia and Europe.
For now, the Reds are looking, and looking intently at Asia for talent.

"It's pretty obvious, it's another market where you can potentially sign players," Krivsky said.

"It's another resource for players. We want to look at every avenue to get good players."


Redlegs 吞下今年春訓首場敗仗

Harang有一個 rough outing.


2007年3月5日 星期一

so far, unbeatable in the Spring Training.

W9-7 against Pirates
W5-2 against Twins
W14-1 against Twins
W10-4 against Pirates

It was spring training, maybe it means nothing.
But winning made me feel good.

Josh Hamilton
8-15, AVE 0.533! 1 hr (a big one!!) 3 RBIs. so far, it is great!

Homer Bailey
2 innings, 10 batters faced, 3 hits, 3 runs, 2 wild pitches, walk, strikeout!
今天先發失三分,菜鳥先發通常都是拼全力, today wasn't a good day for him!

Aaron Harang
2 innings, 5 hits, 1 eraned run, no walks, 2 strikeouts

Kyle Lohse
在一個一壘補位時拉傷 hamstring. shit thing happened.

Eric Milton
damn, 被打兩支全壘打,雖是被風吹出球場的全壘打,it was still no good.讓人想起他前兩年被打全壘打的窘樣!

Paul Wilson

以上是我稍微整理一下我腦中的印象,主要是幾位先發投手加上Josh Hamilton!

一篇關於Wayne Krivsky 的短評

之前ptt有個網友在推文中大批 Wayne Krivsky應該走路,因為他screwed up去年跟Nationals的交易.我本人已經在ptt為他稍作辯護.今天的Enquire John Fay一篇專文評Wayne近來的交易分析.我覺得評的不錯,以一個中型市場的城市,他作了個好的GM so far this year. 以下這五人的投資若是有2個work out,就可以最少的花費達到搜尋Reds急需的closer空缺,而根據他們的經驗跟天賦,並不是說沒有可能達到這個目標!

摘錄自John Fay的文章
A guy with 175 career saves.
A guy who saved 34 games two years ago.
A guy who saved eight games last year.
A guy who once was considered the top prospect in all of baseball.
And a guy who was the top closer in the California League two years ago.

We're talking about Eddie Guardado, Dustin Hermanson, Kerry Ligtenberg, Brian Meadows, Josh Hamilton and Jared Burton.

Ligtenberg and Meadows are in camp on minor-league contracts. Hamilton and Burton are Rule 5 draftees.

If everything works out perfectly, the Reds will have their closer for this year, their center fielder of the future and their closer of the future out of that pack.

If all five wash out, the Reds are out $50,000. They spent $100,000 to make the Rule 5 picks, but they'll get $50,000 back if Hamilton and Burton are returned to their old clubs.
You have to like the effort. Reds general manager Wayne Krivsky is trying to make the club better without spending a lot of money.

The Reds' biggest shortcoming, on paper, is the absence of a proven closer on the roster. But if you look at the non-roster list, you'll see Guardado, Hermanson and Ligtenberg. All were closers for playoff teams at one time in their careers.

Marty and Thom; Father and Son!

Finally, this day came!! The Brennamans for Cincinnati Reds!! Marty and Thom, Father and Son.

For people in Taiwan, it maybe mean nothing for you unless you are the subscriber of MLB radio, you won't know how great they are. Furthermore, if you don't live here, you won't know how friendly they are. Last year, I was in RedsFest, I felt it. Marty used his smile and his spectacular voice to welcome every fan asking a photograph and autograph. I was touched. Therefore, I had goose bump when I heard their first broadcast as Cincinnati broadcast duo. It was a great history moment for Cincinnati Reds.

Quotes from Post

"Game One for the Reds, Game One for the Pirates and Game One for this broadcasting crew," the elder Brennaman said after giving the starting lineups.

"I will ask you fans if I can be a bit sentimental," Marty said, recalling the day when Thom was born in a Chapel Hill, N.C., hospital while Marty was a student at the University of North Carolina. Now, he said, "we fast-forward 43 years ... and I am just a little bit choked up about it."

His son was there for the helper.
"Need a breather there, old-timer?" Thom said.

From there, Thom re-introduced himself to his hometown.

Then the 43-year old Thom answered the most common question he'd been asked since he was announced as the newest member of the Reds' broadcast team in October: He would call his father "Dad" on the air.

"Do you call your dad 'fill-in-the-blank' - by his first name?" Thom asked the listeners.
"So it's 'Dad.'"("Anything else would sound phony," Marty said earlier in the day when asked about the issue.)
With the formalities out of the way, they were off and it was just another game.
"It went far better than I could have ever dreamed it would," Marty said following the game.

2007年3月1日 星期四

Finally, Baseball is Back!

John Fay 簡短的摘錄今天Reds分組對抗的情況,經過了一個冬天,棒球將再度被放上舞台

(雖然三月是屬於NCAA Basketball的,但是Bearcats stinks this season, therefore, I don't care March Madness at all!)

明天Uncle Milty將要先發,更重要的是, Marty Brennaman and Thom Brennaman 這對父子檔將要首度聯手轉撥Cincinnati Reds的比賽! 今天晚上訪問Marty時,Marty的高興可以很明顯聽的出來!他們倆曾經各轉撥半場Cubs and Reds的比賽(Marty was Reds Broadcast, Thom was Cubs').但是從沒有一起轉撥Reds整場比賽. Marty 明天將會是個最快樂的父親!

Marty, I, and Thom

(去年冬天Reds 嘉年華的合照)