
2010年5月5日 星期三

嘴砲王 Brandon Phillips

昨天晚上Brandon Phillips舊疾復發,在三局下的時候,他打了一支看起來要飛越全壘打牆的二壘安打。他以為他要繼一局下半的全壘打後再度打出全壘打。結果就在那邊跑邊看球的飛行。跑到一半後才開始加速。結果不是全壘打。球擊中全壘打牆。不但如此,反彈後還彈離Mets外野手們的身邊。結果最後形成了一個二壘安打,若是他在一開始就盡全力跑,可以跑出一支三壘安打。以結果論,可以造成一個Reds的得分。因為Votto隨後左外野的深遠安打。可以輕易的護送三壘跑者回本壘。


然後有事沒事就會對媒體上說他想要當Leader,當隊長,帶領全隊。整天放嘴砲。我都有點厭煩了,然後一直在球場上發生弔啷鐺的事。還好現在有個Scott Rolen在。Phillips大概也不太敢說自己是team leader了。不然真的是自取其辱。


2 則留言:

  1. From John Fay's blog:

    "I tried to talk to Phillips. He did not want to talk about it last night. He did give me one quote. However, I can’t use it here."

    It's funny. I think we all know what he might say. I can't write it here either.

  2. 隔了一天後5/5/2010的比賽,Brandon Phillips又打出一支全壘打。BUT looked what Baker said after the game.

    "–Baker noticed that Brandon Phillips didn’t run out of the box in his home run in the sixth. “I guess I’m going to have to talk to him again. . . I’ve done more than talk to him.”'

    嘴砲之王Brandon Phillips。Baker是不是該考慮讓BP作個兩場板凳看看。
