
2009年4月15日 星期三

Charlie Sheen and Reds.

上一篇提到Charlie Sheen所飾演的Rick Vaughn.

但是現實生活中, Charlie Sheen可是有名的Reds死忠支持者.
他的少年時代是在Dayton, Ohio長大.順理成章的成了Reds Fan.
當Reds到LA跟Dodgers比賽的時候, Charlie Sheen常會被見到身著Reds gears觀戰.


Reformed hell-raiser CHARLIE SHEEN left a whole baseball team with endless wild memories, after throwing them a party at his house complete with prostitutes and porn stars.

The actor, who's marriage to DENISE RICHARDS broke down recently, generously entertained CINCINNATI REDS team members at his California home when he was at the height of his wild days.

Former Reds player ROB DIBBIE tells FHM, "During our championship season in 1990, Charlie Sheen threw us a couple of parties at his Malibu house. He spent over $50,000 - all of it on strippers, hookers and porn stars.

"For one party, he sent limos to pick us up from Dodger Stadium. I actually blew the save that night.

"I like having fun, but this was a freak show. I saw one of my fat, ugly teammates having sex with this beautiful porn star in a Jacuzzi."


另外一個故事則是由Hall of Famer Hal McCoy在他的部落格所提供的他跟Charlie Sheen碰面的經驗.
Charlie Sheen is from Dayton and a huge Reds fan.

One night in Dodger Stadium I was pounding the keys near deadline when somebody sat down to my left and began yakking about the Reds, asking me questions about Barry Larkin. I grunted an answer or two and pretty much ignored the guy.

Finally, he says, “Would you like me to get you a cup of coffee?”

Just to get rid of him, I said, “Yeah, sure.” After he left, a guy two seats down leaned over and said, “Do you know who you are ignoring and giving the cold shoulder?”

“No,” I said. “I’m on deadline and don’t have time to talk or even look at the guy.”

“That’s Charlie Sheen,” the other guy said.

I was more attentive when he came back.

這是McCoy (他最喜歡的棒球電影正式Major League) 跟Charlie Sheen的碰面經驗,看來他還蠻敬老的.

我很好奇在Rick Vaughn Bobblehead night, Charlie Sheen本人會不會現身球場,屆時他會一身Reds裝扮現身嗎?若是那樣,就超級酷的.

1 則留言:

  1. 我也很喜歡 Major League 這部電影。不過提到這部電影,會讓我覺得有些感慨。Major League剛上檔時(1989),當時的Tribes還是一支不折不扣的弱隊,不過自從MLB改成三個分區後,Tribes就一直維持還不錯的戰力。反觀同州的Reds,雖然在這部電影上映的隔年就贏得WS,但自此之後就沒啥競爭力了。希望能看到Reds早日重返中區強權啊!

    另外,雖然"Wild Thing"在現實生活中是ex Phillies投手Mitch Williams的nickname,不過我一直覺得90年初期的Nasty Boys比較符合電影裡Wild Thing的形象。
