
2007年4月3日 星期二

It's opening day and Reds won!

It's unofficial Cincinnati Holiday! Cincinnat Reds opening day!
After waiting for the whole winter, baseball is back to the Cincinnati!
Though it used to be the baseball back to the whole nation before 2003. The MLB took the crwon out of Queen City! But still, the opening day is spetacular in Cincy!

Let's talk about the day and the game!

關於Reds opening day 的榮耀與傳統,我之前有在ptt post過一篇文章,有空我再轉貼!

First thing first day, 88th Findlay Market Parade, 一早downtown就開始進行封街,準備迎接一年一度的Reds opening day! 11點遊行隊伍從Findlay Market出發,沿著Race Ave.進入downtown,在第五大道(Fifth Ave.)轉彎,進入城市地標Fountain Square.來這邊將近四年了,雖去看過一次opening day game,但從未去看過這個城市的精神傳統,opening day parade.今天一早到實驗室忙了反應器的準備,十點時坐公車趕到downtown去觀賞遊行,詳情以後在post.

About the game,上星期才跟Kathryn說我覺得Reds會輸,因為我個人認為Harang還沒調整到最佳狀況,而Carlos Zambrano owns the Reds! Reds hitters had tough time against him.結果是Reds把Zambrano打爆了,而Harang pitched a great game. 明天要跟Kathryn碰面,等著被她虧了

比賽結果, 5:1 Reds won.
詳細的Box stat可以連到這個MLB官方網站連結!

去年的opening day first pitch, President George W. Bush, Great throw!
this year, Mayor, Mark Malloy, WTF, it was horrible!
Come on,總統都花時間練習,一個Cincinnati市長,竟然忙到沒時間練習,昨天晚上才進行第一次練習,據內線消息指出,他投的球直飛三壘球員休息區,今天的開球,他不敢站在投手丘,他縮短距離,還投不進打擊區. It was awful.有失城市的臉.堂堂opening day 開球,投個超級鳥球,不過球隊贏了.看來明年仍可以考慮用他.

Eric Milton被介紹時被球迷Boo,我的意見跟Rosecrans一樣,真的有失風度.

Dunn,兩支Homeruns,三分打點,為這場比賽定調.值得一提的事,這兩支全壘打是他的199 and 200號全壘打!

Harang, 報了去年的仇, 投七局, 0 ER. 112球,還是維持去年的鐵人,110球是他的基本球數.

Griffey, 三打數,兩安打, He is fine. Great to hear he is health.

Josh Hamilton,生涯首次大聯盟打席,Fans Standing ovation! 強勁左外野飛球,out!回休息區受到球員們的恭賀!溫馨的時刻.

九局,Pete Rose被拍攝到大螢幕上,毫不意外的,全場standing ovation! 也有球迷boo他就是了!另外,Cincinnatians喜愛的 Bob Huggins也回來Cincy觀賞這場比賽!

