
2009年5月5日 星期二

Reds update with Big Hawaii, Cinco de Mayo, 2009

昨日對上Marlins, 3:2輸球。延長賽打到第14局,我聽廣播聽到第十四局上半後就不知覺的睡著了,後來聽到半夜卡車司機節目時,聽到比賽已經結束,Reds輸球。Damn it。

  1. 14局下半一個應該要雙殺的守備因為投手Herrera補位太慢,造成失誤,把對手的致勝分送回本壘(Paul Janish被記失誤,但是writers and Baker說是Herrera的錯),不可原諒,so much about the defense。
  2. 此役動用了六位牛棚,僅差 Closer "CoCo" Cordero還未登場,牛棚一路守護著從八局到時四局,Good stuff,特別要提到的是Lincoln, Burton這兩位今年都還未進入狀況的投手。在壓力下各撐住了四局,Good news。And Masset也在九局下的滿壘壓力,通過了本季第一次game on the line的考驗。Good news。
  3. 不禁感謝前四場比賽中的三場球隊完封,牛棚大量休息到。今天並未造成牛棚太大壓力。今晚要靠Volquez複製上場的表現,讓牛棚稍微休息一下,Volquez給個八局吧。
  4. 苦情的Harang,再度延續他的苦命先發角色,苦等到第七局,隊友才給他兩分進帳,讓比賽追平,本季先發隊友給他的火力支援,平均每場兩分,真是太慘了。還好昨日退場時候不是敗投候選人,不然可能又要在休息區發飆了。
  5. 雖說CoCo昨日沒下場投,但是牛棚熱身五次。也夠運動量了。
  6. 12局送上Darrnell McDonald去作犧牲觸擊,兩次失敗後打個雙殺打。Damn it!為何不送Arroyo上去,Arroyo本季六次觸擊成功。McDonald,0次。
  7. 九局上Alex Gonzalez腿部肌肉扭傷退場。今天將要提早飛回Cincinnati檢查。

3 則留言:

  1. It's a tough loss. The good news is that Dusty didn't use two starters in extra innings. Thanks God!!!

  2. Yes, we all remember the Padres game last year. It destroyed Aaron Harang's 2008 season.

    BTW, guess who was in the line after Herrera if game was still tie, Micah Owings.

  3. Last night, Dusty used our long reliever Nick Masset to face one batter only. If Backer thought Masset was the man to solve the 9th inning problem, he should use double-switch, and then Masset could pitch at least two more innings.

    Wow!! Volquez did pitch 8 shutout innings tonight!!! Great job by Edinson. So do you!! :)
